Explore self-healing through biodynamic craniosacral therapy and Stillness with

Marian Apostol, RCST®, BCST

I am a registered biodynamic craniosacral practitioner with Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America (BCTA/NA) and Natural Health Practitioner of Canada (NHPC). I completed my two years practitioner training with Body Intelligence in May, 2021. I furthered my studies learning Stillness approach with Liza Borodkin, trauma release exercise program (TRE®) with Steve Haines, biodynamic breathwork with Giten Tonkov and pre/perinatal health and development with Myrna Martin. Currently I'm training with Roger Jahnke in Medical Qigong.

I'm an adept of terrain model and natural diet as a fundamental condition for healing. "Mens sana in corpore sano". My background is electrical engineering, but I became interested in healing when I struggled to find equilibrium and cope with my parents’ loss, which happened within eight months. My limited spare time is usually spent with the family, including my Dachshund Django, playing piano, meditating, reading and practicing Qigong.